The Fog Is Here

The fog settled in today. That harbinger of winter, in my humid coastal city, as the temperature cools and the air turns itself opaque.

It happened within moments, while shopping with my roommate for ingredients for our official welcoming winter meal. We entered the store through clear air and emerged into mist.

I feel comforted by the fog’s cool embrace, the anonymity of it, the sensation of the unseen. It turns a short drive home from the grocery store from an errand into an epic adventure.

Nabe (Japanese hot pot) – the perfect meal for welcoming winter!

With time, I’ve made my peace with fog. In the past it’s been a haunting presence, that sensation of not knowing what the future holds, being unable to perceive the path before me. The way fog causes even bright lights to dissipate intensifies this lack of clarity and lends itself to fear.

Now, I can accept that unknowing holds as much possibility as it does apprehension. What mysteries are out there in the fog? And when it clears, how will the world look different?

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