
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to become a mould breaker.

This is no simple task. Since I embarked on this mission I have uncovered three levels of mould breaking:

Level One: If a person doesn’t fit the mould, does the problem lie with the person, or the mould?

squished-play-doh - clear back

Our society is constructed in such a way that we are rewarded for fitting in, even while we are told to stand out. But moulds are for playdough, not people. So we must chip away at the moulds that have been set up to contain us, little by little until they are broken for good and we are good and free. This is the original goal of this blog, which you can read more about in my inaugural post “On Breaking Moulds.” 

Level Two: What happens if, in the process of breaking moulds, you yourself get broken?

Several years ago due to a major life-altering crisis, my focus on this blog shifted from breaking moulds as described above, to rebuilding out of my own brokenness.

You know on Inside Out when all of Riley’s “personality islands” crash into the abyss? That’s what I’m dealing with here.

Level Three: Once you release yourself from the moulds that have shaped you, what is left?

Being a mould breaker requires courage, letting go of the security of the mould. Transformational mould breaking is a process of breaking free of the moulds, masks and filters that keep you safe, and paving the way for true authenticity, to become who you are truly meant to be.

Transformation is not an easy path but the views are pretty alright.

My name is Janelle, and this blog is about my adventures in mould breaking. This mission has not been easy, and it has not been safe. But so far, it has been worth it.

They are my adventures but they can also be yours. If you have a mould breaking story you’d like to share in this space, get in touch!

Keep up to date by following this blog via email or the social network of your choice.

My commitment to you is quality over quantity: I may not post often but I do strive to make each post worth my time and yours.

Also, I love to hear your thoughts in the comments, all I ask is that you be respectful of me and the other commenters. Thanks for being awesome!

Any questions about me or this blog still left unanswered? Please ask them in the comments below! 


23 thoughts on “About

  1. This is comforting and inspiring! Comforting because I’m going through a change (which I haven’t blogged about yet) and i feel like i have company and community as part of NanoPoblano, especially after reading this. Look forward to more of your mound-breaking.

    1. I’m glad you find it comforting and inspiring… you are definitely in good company with Nano Poblano for writing your way through change and transition. Keep us posted, when you post it! 🙂

      1. My pleasure! I read more of your blog just now but my “likes” aren’t working. I hadn’t seen the backstory until now. Im so happy for you and your overcoming all that you went through and so glad that support was there to help you 🙂 Plus you really are an adventurer!

  2. I know — I can feel it — those words are written from the heart. That’s why they are very penetrating and moving! I am really grateful that I accidentally stumbled here in your space. Your writings are music to my ears! Keep it up. You do not know who and how many more you are inspiring! I’m just one of them! 😊

    God bless you Janelle!

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate your sincere and encouraging words. I am glad you stumbled here as well and I will definitely check out your blog! 🙂 Take care ❤

  3. Hello there!So glad to have landed on your blog!!You have so beautifully written about not trying to fit in the moulds we were not meant to fit in.Such a unique and beautiful reference made in a thought-provoking and compelling manner.Looking forward to read more of your writings.

  4. Hi, I just found your blog,and I think it’s super great haha. From what I’ve read so far, it’s really deep and relevant. I’m excited to read more of your posts! Thanks for sharing such great thoughts with the world!

  5. I shall have to show “On Breaking Moulds” to my daughter and see what she thinks. For a while, when she was much younger, she was really into pink, and then, at some point, she decided to eschew it completely. From what I can remember, I think she might have reasons similar to yours.

  6. I can’t believe I never liked this page before… it has such a great photo! 🙂

    I was just popping by, because my favorite Dr. Geek is looking to interview some geek girls for research and I thought you might be able to help! http://wp.me/p2EpB5-wq If you have time, I’m sure she’d appreciate it! 🙂

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