
Lately it seems a few things around here are are burning out.

My electric kettle has chosen this week to cease its functioning. It was on the fritz for awhile, and now it’s not coming on at all.

My bathroom lightbulbs have also both gone out within days of each other, as if they planned it.

I am starting to wonder if it’s a conspiracy, and what will go next – they say things usually happen in threes.

Will it be me?

I don’t feel burnt out, just tired. But maybe the kettle was just tired too. It’s worked hard these last few years, for oh so many cups of tea and other things too. And maybe the light bulbs were tired of converting energy into light, instantly on demand.

Thankfully light bulbs and kettles are easily replaceable: I can get new light bulbs, and a new kettle too.

But I have to be a little more careful with myself. Since there’s only one of me — and I’m irreplaceable.

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